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Sacred Sundays Cacao Sound Ceremony @ The Yoga Shed Wickham

  • Yoga Shed Wickham (map)

Investment: £30 - pay here

Doors will now open at 10.45am for an 11am start : ))

Please join us for a sacred Sunday at the gorgeous Yoga Shed in Wickham where we’ll be tuning into inner compass and enjoying the soothing resonance of sound healing with the ancient plant wisdom of cacao. In this relaxing ceremony we'll be connecting to the stillness within to find peace, clarity & release stagnant energy to create space for the new!

Cacao is a gentle plant medicine that helps us to move through blocks & limitations, clear stagnant energy and ignite our creativity. It's packed with anti oxidants and acts as a mild stimulant; enhancing our mood and heightening our senses. 

Things you may experience in the ceremony...

- A heart opening
- Deep relaxation
- Feelings of joy & upliftment
- Connection to your intuition
- An emotional release
- A sense of peace and well-being
- A heightening of your senses
- Gentle visions and guidance
- Clarity and stillness

We'll begin with a short guided relaxation before we set off on a sound journey with the Gong & crystal singing bowls. You're invited to lie down and relax as the sounds wash over you and cacao works its magic with us. 

After the ceremony I'll serve some soothing rose tea as we come back to our senses and continue our Sunday basking in the cacao glow.

Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and cushion for added comfort

Doors will open at 10.45am for an 11am  start : )


- Cacao contains theobromine which stimulates the system much in the same way as caffeine can. If you have a sensitivity to caffeine then please consult with me and we will discuss giving you a lower dosage.

- Cacao can react with anti depressants causing headaches so please let me know if you are on any medication before booking.

- Pregnancy - cacao is safe during pregnancy but each person is different so please let me know as I would encourage a slightly smaller dose.

If you are uncertain if cacao is ok for you then please check with your doctor first.

Gong is not recommended for the following...
Women in the first trimester of pregnancy
Children under the age of thirteen.
Those experiencing extreme mental health problems.
If you have a pacemaker or other metal implant
If you are affected by sound induced epilepsy

Because of the limited spaces available at these events there is a 72hr cancellation policy so that I have time to sell the space on. No refunds will be issued after this time.

It is my intention to guide you with sound and cacao as a tool for self healing and I encourage you to seek professional advice should any content unearth past traumas. With gratitude and respect.

A percentage of ticket sales from my Cacao ceremonies go to Amazon Watch whose profits fund work to stop the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and advance the rights of Indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin.

I look forward to sharing this beautiful medicine with you : )